In some traditions, doing a steam session is social and done in company with a group of women. In other traditions, steaming is done in a reverent ceremony. Since this is your steam sauna, you get to decide what you are going to do while using it. In general, you want to do whatever necessary to sit for the duration of your steam session. For some of you, this might mean that you watch a show, work on your laptop, talk on the phone, entertain kids, breastfeed or hang out online. For others it might involve reading a book, journaling, listening to music, breathing exercises or meditation. Make it work for you. It’s your steam session.
Although you can steam at any time of the day, it is best to steam at night right before bed.
Keep in mind that steaming is a body detoxification that might make you feel very relaxed or tired afterwards.
For this reason, sleeping after a vaginal steam session can be very deep and rewarding.
Just like when you go in a full body sauna, you must take extra measures to stay properly hydrated,
please hydrate thoroughly before, during, and after steam sessions.
There are several situations where bleeding should be slowed down or stopped. This includes any uterine bleeding that occurs outside of a normal period — spontaneous bleeding, ovulation “breakthrough” bleeding, fresh spotting, ongoing periods, two periods per month, menopausal bleeding and so on. Also, if a period lasts longer than 4 days of fresh heavy bleeding it should be stopped on day 5. Lastly, if someone is bleeding at a normal time (during their period, miscarriage or postpartum) but the bleeding is heavy it should be slowed down.
Heavy or abnormal uterine bleeding is a sign of uterine fatigue — the uterus gets tired and the blood escapes and may start to pour out. There are two steps to stopping this type of uterine fatigue bleeding. It is recommended to use both steps together.
#1 Bedrest — immediate bedrest for 24-48 hours quickly decreases or stops the amount of bleeding by helping to rest the fatigued uterus.
#2 Herbal first aids that stop bleeding. Below are several remedies that may be able to slow or stop bleeding entirely.
Vaginal steaming, sometimes shortened to V-steaming, also known as yoni steaming, is an alternative health treatment where a woman squats or sits over steaming water containing herbs such a mugwort, rosemary, chamomile and white sage etc.
What To Expect Before Treatment and During Treatment?
Once you arrive for your initial visit, you’ll be asked to complete our intake form and a yoni consent form if you haven’t done so online. The intake form will collect general information about you, from contact information to allergy and health history information. The yoni consent form will provide further information about precaution about the service. Our guest care team will make sure that you have all your questions answered and that the steam from the herbs is ready to go when you walk in the room. Your special V- steaming hydrotherapy herbal mix will be tailored to your specific needs. For your session, you will need to remove all of your clothing. As you’ll get pretty steamy all over, we find it best to remove all clothes completely. Then, you’ll sit over a warm, relaxing herbal bath in our custom-made steam chairs and sip your choice of tea, wine, water, etc. while enjoying wine, water, etc. while enjoying aromatherapy and relaxing music.
During the steam session, you can read, write, meditate, or do whatever you want. Our steam specialist will quietly monitor the steam temperature to make sure you are comfortable. Your guest care attendant will properly sanitize the chair, steam pots, gowns, and towels before and after your service is complete. Use your steam gown to control how much steam you are getting; carefully tuck it in around you to get more steam or if you’re feeling too warm, lift it open to let some steam out. At the halfway point, the guest care member helping you will come to check on you.