Our mission is to enlighten and dispel the taboo about vaginal wellness detox cleaning by offering AffordableBeautiful, Relaxing and Holistic pampering, while giving you a rejuvenating Experience that enhances your overall Wellness Mind, Body, and Soul.  

Jewell Bethea the owner and vaginal facilitator of Jewell’s Are Forever LLC. grew up with a passion and love for woman’s health. I always felt that woman’s needs were overlooked, made worse, or simply masked with unnatural medications and chemicals. I first tried vaginal steaming a while ago and personally benefited from results. I immediately noticed less painful cramps, a lighter menstrual cycle, and more enjoyable sex. During my conversation with woman, I realized that many woman were having problems with no solution and were scared and nervous to talk about ” down there”. I decided to get my cerification in vaginal steaming so I could help woman experience the same benefits as I did. more enjoyable sex. During my conversation with woman, I realized that many woman were having problems with no solution and were scared and nervous to talk about ” down there”. I decided to get my cerification in vaginal steaming so I could help woman experience the same benefits as I did.

Somewhere along the way, it seems as though woman have forgotten their true power and how the creator has wonderfully and beautifully made them. Vaginal steaming is a way woman can reclaim their reproductive system. At its core, Jewell’s Are Forever serves as a safe haven where woman can be comfortable with themselves and ultimately realize the strength they hold to heal, transform, create and ultimately transcend.


Yoni or hip bath are an old and respected treatment for women used by many of our ancestors many years ago and continue to be used by peri-steam hydrotherapist/ vaginal practitioners in Central and South America and all over the globe. 


Women suffering from sexual trauma, yeast, bacterial infections, viruses, fibroids, painful menstruations, cysts, irregular menstruation and fertility issues can greatly benefit from a vaginal and womb steam bath. V-steam baths are used to cleanse and revitalize the uterus, effectively reducing discomfort associated with menstruation. The effectiveness of  V-steams baths isn’t limited to just eliminating cramps. The purpose of the V-Steam is to aid as an internal cleanser of the membranes of the vaginal tissues and the uterus. This is considered especially important for stagnant fertility conditions, and/or incomplete emptying of menses each cycle.Most women will notice a difference in their next menstruation. Sometimes this will include a shorter lighter period or it might be a heavy old dark blood release. It all depends on how much your womb was holding onto. Allow for three months of consecutive use in order to see full results. The herbs steam penetrate the reproductive system, gently cleaning and helping to heal. The herbs we use in our V-steam baths promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the reproductive system and brings warmth back into the uterus, assists PH balance, repairs damaged tissues and helps to break down scar tissue. V-Steams may also provide support in:


Menstrual support, significantly reduce discomfort, period pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with monthly cycles

Heals the womb from sexual trauma

Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles

Decreases menstrual flow as well as reducing dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses

Relieve symptoms of menopause

Eliminates yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria, cleaning and deodorizing the vagina

Increasing cervical fluids

Relaxing vaginal canal and cervix

Helps with endometriosis, PCOS

Increasing fertility

Increases libido

Nourish and tones the uterine lining

Speeding healing and toning the reproductive system after child birth

Treats uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness and uterine prolapse

Assists with the healing of hemorrhoids

Prevent and ease bladder and kidney stones.  Also helps with preventing and treating prostate cancer.